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Photovoltaic industry cleanroom design standards include:
GB50472-2013 Cleanroom Factory Design Code;
GB50704-2011 Silicon Solar Cell Factory Design Code;
GB50591-2010 Cleanroom Construction and Acceptance Code;
GB 50054-2011 Low Voltage Power Distribution Design Code;
GB 50303-2015 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Electrical Engineering Projects;
GB50243-2002 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Quality of Ventilation and Air-conditioning Projects;
GB50210-2001 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Refrigeration Equipment Installation Projects;
GB50325-2001 Codes for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control in Civil Construction Projects
A Wiskind Cleanroom é especializada em sistema de fechamento de sala limpa, sistema de teto, portas e janelas de sala limpa e desenvolvimento de produtos relacionados, fabricação, vendas, consultoria e serviços.